Hey everyone, i've actually been extremely busy lately, all because of my new job which will literally take over my whole life, and it already seems like it has.
Not gonna lie, yeah sure the money is great and all, but this is fucking insane to me.
I dunno what it is about this new job, it's not too hard, and I've got decent co-workers, a pretty cool boss...but man everyday when I come home, I want to go to sleep, but I don't because i'm that much closer to the next day where I have to do it ALL over again.
I told someone this and they said "Welcome to the life of an Adult."
Is this seriously the thing people strive for? It's like sophisicated torture to me, I dunno, maybe im just a bitch or something, but not being able to talk to anyone or make music or really get anything done until my days off is REALLY fucking stressful, and frankly I hate it.
The Hours don't really help either, I go to work at 3 in the afternoon, and then get off work at 11:30 PM. Which leaves me NO time to socialize with people, because they're all fucking ASLEEP.
Gauuugh. Whatever, just ranting, anyways, hopefully i'll be able to make some more music or something.
Sorry about this.
Whenever someone says "Welcome to adult life" I want to disembowel them in front of their fucking children and fart on their corpse....
That's a fucking awesome Tactic.